αλλουterra: the board game
‘The Ghost in the Machine’ is a widening participation and public dissemination art event of the CogLit Project (Literature and Art as a Cognitive Object), a two-year interdisciplinary research project based at the University of Brighton and funded by the European Commission. CogLit explores a radically new idea about the nature of literature and art as a unique output of the human mind and builds two-way interactions between literary and art study and the cognitive sciences.
So I have designed a board game based on my third book, αλλουterra and I will be playing it with strangers and friends at the event below in Brighton on 22 March. Do come along to also see the work of 11 more artists at ONCA Gallery. It's fun and free! Click on the image below for more info.
[Unfortunately the event was cancelled due to Covid. But here's a litle video I made as a taster of this boardgame!]