Climate Justice in Seasons | Concert series
Friends in the Netherlands, check out this series of concerts by Lonneke Van Straalen and the Dutch Brew House. The concerts will include...

Maintenant Dada: Plutocrazy
Thrilled to be included in yet another issue of Mainenant Dada! Creativity is the currency here and the amount has no limit. In nearly...

Cadence Video Poetry Festival
My video-poem Lacrima da capo will be screened at the 6th annual Cadence Video Poetry in Seattle! Verse meets visuals in Cadence Video...

Παραλογη (χωρίς τόνο) | Πανάρχαιο δημοτικό Σαράντα πέντε υπουργοί κι εξήντα εργολάβοι φτιάχνανε σιδηρόδρομο στα Τέμπη, στην κοιλάδα....

Lacrima da capo
Here's a little video-poem I created for an event by Lala in Athens. The event featured performances and videos by several artists,...

2 ποιήματα στο περιοδικό τεφλόν
2 ποιήματά μου σήμερα φιλοξενούνται στο υπέροχο περιοδικό τεφλόν <3 Και τα δυο μεταφράσεις κειμένων που έγραψα για την παράσταση του...

Album Release: Gledalec
Gledalec, the album by the Kaja Draksler Octet has been released by Clean Feed Records and you may find it if you click on the cover...

Omelettio ad absurdum
A few months ago pianist and composer, Kaja Draksler asked me to write some poems to set them to music. So I did and then she did set...