Coocoolili Midsummer Night Cream
Coocoolili Midsummer Night Cream Sunday 30 June Doors: 7.30 pm till midnight – Show starts at 8.00 pm Entry Price: £10 advance / £12...

Coocoolili Fairytales
Coocoolili Fairy Tales Sunday 26 November Doors: 7.30 pm till midnight – Show starts at 8.00 pm Entry Price: £8 advance / £10 door / £7...

Coocoolili @ Candid Arts
Coocoolili is proud to be a part of this Dada extravaganza! Candid Arts Centre and Three Rooms Press Present 2023 LONDON ¡DADA! An...

Coocoolili | Swan Songs
What a fabulous evening that was on the 13th of November at London's amazing new Jamboree! Many thanks to the most warm, enthusiastic...

Coocoolili: Bad Habits
Opening of Coocoolili's Tuesday 7/11 show at Jamboree, London under the theme of "Bad Habits". "Aliens" by Charles Bukowski & "I drink"...

Coocoolili presents: Springtime Rashes & Flushes
Here is a video of a song I sang in April at the last Coocoolili event, Springtime Rashes & Flushes at Jamboree, London. 'Spingtime...

Coocoolili presents: Don't Tell Mama
On Tuesday, 7th of March the second live event of Coocoolili took place at Jamboree. The evening this time was dedicated to the miracle...

Coocoolili presents: My Funny Borderline
My inconceivably talented friends and I are curating and performing an evening of performance and much more on the first Tuesday of every...

cooking history / consuming art
Very excited to be part of this very special conference with the Oiseaux Bizarres Ensemble on the 26th of April in London! See our...

rattle v is here
Great evening yesterday with rattle people. And the journal is here. And it looks very pretty.